The Fountain of Youth: A Product Review

Day 1

Unboxing Neora’s line of miracle elixirs is a breathtaking moment. I am about to embark on a quest steeped in thousands of years of mythology. The search for the fountain of youth – a promise of immortality that has tragically lured so many warriors and dreamers to their death. Cortez sought for it in vain amidst the Aztec ruins, but now I hold it in my hand – this cleanser and facial cream. 

I take my before pictures and though I try to look sad and middle-aged, there is an unmistakeable gleam in my eye in anticipation of the transformation about to take place.

Reading the directions with the care of a bomb-disposal expert, I eagerly apply the cleanser. There is a pleasant, tingling sensation as if my skin is exfoliating or being gently massaged with banana peppers. The cream is housed in a space-age capsule, and is a soothing epilogue to the cleansing process.

Week 1

I don’t notice much change, but this is only the first week. Also, my skin has always been low maintenance since I spend my days with minimal makeup, huddled indoors under artificial light like a priceless Monet.

Week 2

Thirteen days in, the space-age cream capsule stops working and I have to make my way through it with a hacksaw. It turns out the problem is not with the capsule itself, but with the cream which isn’t there anymore. I check the directions to make sure I haven’t been too enthusiastic in my application. I have not been. The amount of cream in the capsule is equivalent to the potato chip to air ratio. From here on, I will have to forego moisturizing or return to my old lotion; a cheap one gallon pump system I’ve been using since the late 90s.

Week 3

My face has advanced to an alarming degree of feminine, springy softness. This would be a pleasant sensation if, for instance, one were touching a boob, but given that it’s my face, it’s just confusing, like when one reaches for the salad dressing, and accidentally touches a boob.

Day 30

The great experiment is over. My complexion does seem smoother and lighter, but Jennifer Aniston I ain’t. Even such modern wonders as cleansers and moisturizers can only do so much. For me at least, the fountain of youth remains as elusive as ever.


February 26, 2021


Marina in Chicago


Scenes from an Italian Restaurant